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Scholarly Editing

The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing

2013, Volume 34

The Trinity Seven Planets

Edited by Alpo Honkapohja

View pages f121v-f122r
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Ptolemy | tholomeDefinition: English: Claudius Ptolemy; Greek: Κλαύδιος Πτολεμαῖος, Klaudios Ptolemaios; Latin: Claudius Ptolemaeus; c. AD 90 – c. AD 168.
in   þe 


almegesteDefinition: Ptolemy`s major workEtymology: The Almagest is a work of mathematical astronomy written ca. ad 150 by Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus of Alexandria). It was the most advanced work of its kind and served as the basic guide for Islamic and European astronomers until Nikolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) and Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). The original name of the work was Mathematike Syntaxis ("The Mathematical Arrangement"); Almagest was as a corruption of the Greek word for greatest (megiste) with the Arabic definite article (al). The work was translated into Arabic and then from Arabic to Latin in the last half of the 12th century.
almenake  reherseth  þat  þe 
zodiake  of 


heven | heuen, nounDefinition: (MED) (a) The upper part of the sky; the region in which the sun, moon, stars, and planets appear; hevenes eie, the sun; hevenes whel, the firmament; fig. Christ; (b) astrol. the heavenly bodies as affecting or revealing events or personal destiny; the position of the planets, etc., at a particular time.
is  a  grete 


cercle, sercle, nounDefinition: (MED) The apparent circular path, orbit, or course of a heavenly body or constellation; the ecliptic of the sun, the circle deferent or epicycle of a planet, the path of stars about a celestial pole, etc.
seide  in  þe  eighte  or  in 
þe  ninthe 


spere | spere, nounDefinition: A sphere. (MED) the cosmic spheres beyond the earth extending from the planetary spheres on to the heavenly spheres; often, the seven planetary spheres, the sphere of the fixed stars, and the primum mobile.
of  þe 


firmament | firmament, nounDefinition: (OED) In old Astronomy: The sphere containing the fixed stars; the eighth heaven of the Ptolemaic system.
vnder  þe  whiche  ȝe 
View pages f122v-f123r
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[page id: f122v] Vnder  þe  whicħ  zodiake  ałł 
þe  seuen  planetis  after  her  propir 


course | course, cours, nounDefinition: (MED) Astron. The movement of a heavenly body or sphere; the orbit (of a heavenly body), path (of a star), revolution (of a sphere); fulfillen, passen, rennen ~, maken even ~, to complete a circuit or revolution.
meuen  and  ben  determi-
  after  þe 


course | course, cours, nounDefinition: (MED) Astron. The movement of a heavenly body or sphere; the orbit (of a heavenly body), path (of a star), revolution (of a sphere); fulfillen, passen, rennen ~, maken even ~, to complete a circuit or revolution.
of  tymes 
in  þis  wise . þat  is  to  sey .as 
firste  to  speke  of  þe  hiest 
planete  in  þe 


heven | heuen, nounDefinition: (MED) (a) The upper part of the sky; the region in which the sun, moon, stars, and planets appear; hevenes eie, the sun; hevenes whel, the firmament; fig. Christ; (b) astrol. the heavenly bodies as affecting or revealing events or personal destiny; the position of the planets, etc., at a particular time.
is  callid  saturne / he  goitħ 


course | course, cours, nounDefinition: (MED) Astron. The movement of a heavenly body or sphere; the orbit (of a heavenly body), path (of a star), revolution (of a sphere); fulfillen, passen, rennen ~, maken even ~, to complete a circuit or revolution.
in  þe  space  of 
thriti  ȝere .Iubiter  in  twelue 
ȝere ·Mars  in  two  ȝere /
The  sonne  in  oon  ȝere .Venus 
in  thre  hundred  fourti  eighte  dayes .Mercu-
ry  in  thre  hundred  thriti  eighte dayes 
And  þe  mone ؛ in  twenti  seuen 
daies  and  eighte  houres  et  cetera 
[page id: f123r] And  þus  goitħ  and  meuetħ 
euery  planete  of  þe  seuen  pla-
  afore  seide  by  his  na-
turel  and  propir 


course | course, cours, nounDefinition: (MED) Astron. The movement of a heavenly body or sphere; the orbit (of a heavenly body), path (of a star), revolution (of a sphere); fulfillen, passen, rennen ~, maken even ~, to complete a circuit or revolution.
in  þe 


cercle, sercle, nounDefinition: (MED) The apparent circular path, orbit, or course of a heavenly body or constellation; the ecliptic of the sun, the circle deferent or epicycle of a planet, the path of stars about a celestial pole, etc.
of  þe  zodiake /This 


cercle, sercle, nounDefinition: (MED) The apparent circular path, orbit, or course of a heavenly body or constellation; the ecliptic of the sun, the circle deferent or epicycle of a planet, the path of stars about a celestial pole, etc.
of  þe  zodia-
ke  is  departid  in  twelue  euen 


equacioun | equacionsDefinition: (MED) Astrol. Equal partition of the sphere into `houses' for astrological purposes.
þat  ben  callid 
þe  twelue  signes  and  ben  cal-
lid  with  þe  names  of  certe-
  bestes  and  fishes  for  þe 
conueniens  and  likenes  in 
certeyn  propirtees ·These 
ben  þe  names  of  þe  signes 
aries · taurus · gemini · cancer  ·leo ·
virgo ·libra ·scorpio · sagittarius ·capri-View pages f123v-f124r
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[page id: f123v]cornus
  aquarius  pisces  Notise 


Definition: The translator translates Latin nota bene as "noteth well" or "notice well".
þat  þe  computacions  of 
þe  meuynge  of  þe  seuen  pla-
  begynneþ  with  þe  signe 
Aries  þat  is  callid  þe  mo-
oste  noble  signe  of  þe 
twelue  signes  of  þe  twelue  signes .
The  seuen  planetis  ben  þe  chief 
meistres  of  al  science ·þe 
whicħ  seuen  planetis  god  set-
te  in  þe  sterry 


heven | heuen, nounDefinition: (MED) (a) The upper part of the sky; the region in which the sun, moon, stars, and planets appear; hevenes eie, the sun; hevenes whel, the firmament; fig. Christ; (b) astrol. the heavenly bodies as affecting or revealing events or personal destiny; the position of the planets, etc., at a particular time.
so  þat  þey 
sholde  meuen  aȝenst  þe 
firmament ·to  restreyne  and 
withstonde  þe  swifte  me-
uynge  and  þe  feersnes  of 
þe  firmament ·so  þat  in  no  wise 
[page id: f124r] þey  passe  not  þe 


latitude | latitude, nounDefinition: (OED) Astron. The angular distance of a heavenly body from the ecliptic: called spec. celestial latitude. (See also ascending n., geocentric adj. 1, heliocentric adj. 1, and heliographic adj. 1)

of  þe  space  of  þe  twelue  sig-
nes  Thes  twelue  signes  ben 
deuided  so ·þat  ecħ  of  hem  haþ 
his  propir  party  and  his 


climat | clymatesDefinition: (MED) (a) The region of earth dominated by a particular planet (i.e., by the moon, Mercury, Venus, sun, Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn); (b) one of the regions dominated by certain zodiacal sign

in  euery  londe  as  þer  to  regne 
to  gouerne  and  wirche  after  pro-
  and  nature . ffirst  þe 
eest  party  as 


AntiochDefinition: The ancient city of Antioch; one of the Crusader states founded by European Christians after the First Crusade (1069-1099).
and  al 
þeraboute  is  gouernyd  by  þes 
thre  sygnes ·cancer ·leo ·virgo ·
The  weste  party  þe  whicħ 
is  callid 


Armenie | armenyDefinition: Armenia
is  gouer-
  by  þes  thre  signes · capri-
  · aquarius  · pisces  /The  sou-
the  party  whiche  callid 


Alexandria | alexandreDefinition: The city of Alexandria; may also refer to land of Alexandria, Egypt (MED)
View pages f124v-f125rFull size in new window and  þeraboute  is  gouer-
  by  þes  thre  sygnes ·libra ·
sagittarius ·scorpio  The  nor-
the  party  as 


ConstantinopleDefinition: The city of Constantinople, the capital of Byzantium.

and  þeraboute  is  gouerned  by 
þes  thre  sygnes ·aries ·tau-
 ·gemini ·and  þus  þe  signes 
be  deuydid  in  foure 


climat | clymatesDefinition: (MED) (a) The region of earth dominated by a particular planet (i.e., by the moon, Mercury, Venus, sun, Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn); (b) one of the regions dominated by certain zodiacal sign
of  þe  worlde  by  þe  in-
fluence  of  whom  eche  reu-
me  haþ  diuerse  propirtees  and 
commoditees  and  condicioun  with-
  him  silfe /

SAturne  is  þe  hiest  pla-
nete  and  is  colde  and  drie 
as  þe  erþe  is ·and  it  is  yuel 
and  maliciouse  of  him  silfe .
[page id: f125r] it  is  nocturnal  and  ponderouse 
and  it  is  moost  ferre  from  þe  er-
the ·and  ȝitte  it  is  moste  gre-
  to  þe  erþe ·His  course 
durytħ  thriti  ȝere ·It  is  mo-
che  pale  in  coloure . and  drinesse 
and  coldenesse  ben  callid  two 
dedly  qualites  þat  longeþ  to 
him . And  þerfore  seiþ  þe  phi-
losophers  þat  if  a  childe  be 
borne  er  ełł  conceycued  vn-
  his  dominacioun  it  shal  so-
ne  dyȝe · er  ełł  he  shal be 
of  yuel  condicioun  This  pla-
nete  by  his  nature  makiþ  a 
View pages f125v-f126r
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[page id: f125v] man  blacke  foule  slowe  so-
ry  silde  to  laughe ·or  to be 
mery .and  noþinge  hatinge 
ne  eschewinge  foule  þinges 
ne  stynkynge  þinges .and  þe  con-
  of  suche  folke  is 


malencolyDefinition: (OED) a. Black bile, one of the four chief fluids or cardinal humours recognized by ancient and medieval physiologists. b. Med. Originally: a pathological condition thought to result from an excess of black bile in the body, characterized in early references by sullenness, ill temper, brooding, causeless anger, and unsociability, and later by despondency and sadness. Later: severe depression, melancholia. Now arch. and hist.


Definition: The translator translates Latin nota bene as "noteth well" or "notice well".
þat  when  þis  pla-
nete  entriþ  þe 


cercle, sercle, nounDefinition: (MED) The apparent circular path, orbit, or course of a heavenly body or constellation; the ecliptic of the sun, the circle deferent or epicycle of a planet, the path of stars about a celestial pole, etc.
Iubiter .þen  is  þe  malice 
of  him  lessed ·And  notiþ 


Definition: The translator translates Latin nota bene as "noteth well" or "notice well".

þat  saturne  dwellid  in  euery  sig-
ne  thriti  monethis ·and  when 
he  regnyþ  in  his  propir 


house | hous, house, nounDefinition: (OED) Astrol. Each of twelve parts of the ecliptic or the zodiac having some particular significance in human affairs, typically formed by great circles through diametrically opposed points and numbered eastwards from the ascendant (ascendant n. 1). Also: a sign of the zodiac considered as a seat of greater influence of a particular planet; a ruler (ruler n.1 2b). Cf. mansion n. 4.

þat  is  to  sey  in  aquario  and  ca-
 ؛þen  begynne  grete 
[page id: f126r] harmes  and  myscheues  withyn 


climat | clymatesDefinition: (MED) (a) The region of earth dominated by a particular planet (i.e., by the moon, Mercury, Venus, sun, Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn); (b) one of the regions dominated by certain zodiacal sign
of  þe  erþe  and 
þat  moste  when  he  is  in  aquary .
for  þen  shal be  grete  tem-
  and  grete  flowdes .and  also 
grete  hate  and 


enuyte or enmyteDefinition: Possibly a mispelling of "enmite" (MED)(1) Of personal agents: (a) a hostile feeling or attitude, rivalry, malice; also, a hostile act; (b) the action of an enemy, an attack; (c) an enemy;--also coll., hostile people, enemies. (2) Of non-personal agents: (a) hostility, threat, or danger (to man's spirit from the forces of evil); (b) an internal conflict, a rivalry (between spiritual forces); (c) adverse influence (of a deity); (d) astrol. unfavorable or baleful influence (of a planet). Another possibility is that it comes from the verb ”anoien” (MED) anoien (v.) Also annoien, enoien; anuien, en-; an en, enn-, in-; an(n) en, enn-; esnuien. To disturb, annoy, offend; displease, irritate, provoke.
and  dis-
corde  and  grete  batail  and  war 
amonge  þe  pepil /The 
children  of  saturne  where  þei 
gone  þey  caste  hir  yen 
vnto  þe  erþe ·þey  ben  le-
ne  of  body  and  of  face  ha-
  litil  yen  and  litil  he-
re  vpon  hir  berdys ·þey  ben 
riȝt  wraþful  and  ful  vene-View pages f126v-f127r
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[page id: f126v]mous  in  hir  dedes ·seynge  oon 
with  mouþe  and  þenke  contrary  in 
herte /
IVbiter  is  þe  nex-
te  planete  after  saturne ·his 


course | course, cours, nounDefinition: (MED) Astron. The movement of a heavenly body or sphere; the orbit (of a heavenly body), path (of a star), revolution (of a sphere); fulfillen, passen, rennen ~, maken even ~, to complete a circuit or revolution.
is  twelue  ȝere ·he  is 
good  and  welwillid /it  is  ho-
te  and  moyste  as  is  þe  ae-
yr  duly  masculine  and  in 
colour  argenteyne  þat  is  whi-
te |.Hwith  his  grete  good-
nesse  and  beneuolence  restreyneþ  re-
  þe  grete  malice 
of  saturne ·It  causiþ  grete 
fayrnesse  feyr  yen  feire 
here  and 


sanguynDefinition: One of the four temperaments. (MED) (c) one of the four humors, blood; also, the complexion, or temperament, dominated by blood; also person.; (e) a person dominated by a sanguine complexion.


complexion, complexiounDefinition: (OED) In the physiology and natural philosophy of the Middle Ages: The combination of supposed qualities (cold or hot, and moist or dry) in a certain proportion, determining the nature of a body, plant, etc.; the combination of the four ‘humours’ of the body in a certain proportion, or the bodily habit attributed to such combination; ‘temperament’.

þis  planete  dwelliþ  in 
euery  signe  oon  ȝere  and  so  his 
[page id: f127r]


course | course, cours, nounDefinition: (MED) Astron. The movement of a heavenly body or sphere; the orbit (of a heavenly body), path (of a star), revolution (of a sphere); fulfillen, passen, rennen ~, maken even ~, to complete a circuit or revolution.
is  twelue  ȝere .When  Iu-
  is  bytwyxen  saturne  and 
mars  þe  which  ben  callid 
þe  yuel  planetis .it  is  þen 


mean | mene, adj.Definition: (MED) In a middle state between two extremes; Astron. ~ argument, the angle at the center of a planet's epicycle between the mean position of the planet on its epicycle and a line running through the center from the equant; ~ aux, of a planet: a line running from the equant through the center of the epicycle; ~ motus (mote), the uniformly varying angle at the earth, measured from the first point in Aries, giving the mean position of the sun or a planet in the ecliptic; also, the moving point projected by the sun or planet, as seen from earth, on the zodiac.
with  þe  lower  and  wiþ 
þe  heyer  axe  of  þe 


cercle, sercle, nounDefinition: (MED) The apparent circular path, orbit, or course of a heavenly body or constellation; the ecliptic of the sun, the circle deferent or epicycle of a planet, the path of stars about a celestial pole, etc.
and  þen  is  þe  malice  of  hem 
lesse  and  þe  goodnes  of  Iu-
  also  lessid  And  When 
Iubiter  is  in  his  propir 


house | hous, house, nounDefinition: (OED) Astrol. Each of twelve parts of the ecliptic or the zodiac having some particular significance in human affairs, typically formed by great circles through diametrically opposed points and numbered eastwards from the ascendant (ascendant n. 1). Also: a sign of the zodiac considered as a seat of greater influence of a particular planet; a ruler (ruler n.1 2b). Cf. mansion n. 4.
is  in  pisces  and  sagittarius  þen 
he  is  in  his  ful  goodnes  and 
þen  he  ȝeueþ  to  his  children 
good  and  feyr  craftes .to be 
wise  and  curiouse  and  in  wri-
  and  redynge  and  so  in  ere 
View pages f127v-f128r
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[page id: f127v] diuerse  facultes .he  makiþ 
faire  statures  and  to be  of  go-
de  maners  and  of  grete  tro-
uþe  and  suche  shal  haue  two 
fore  teeþ  grete  and  large |and 
he  euer  shal  loue  good  and  ha-
te  yuel /


Definition: This planet of Mars entered Aries its house on the first day of September in the year of our Lord 1459 and moon on the sixteenth. This is first existing in number, evidently sixteen.
ta  martis 
intrauit  in 
ariete  do-
mo  de  sua 
anno  domini  mille-
simo  quadringentesimo 
quinquagesimo  nonus  . et 
luna  sedecimo 
hoc  est  prima  ex-
  in  nu-
  videlicet  sedecim .
is  þe  thridde 
planete ·it  and  it  is  hote 
and  drye  as  is  fyre  mascu-
line  nocturnal  and  causyth 


choleric | colerike, adj.Definition: (OED) a. Of persons: Having choler n. and adj. as the predominant humour; of bilious ‘complexion’, or temperament; bilious.


complexion, complexiounDefinition: (OED) In the physiology and natural philosophy of the Middle Ages: The combination of supposed qualities (cold or hot, and moist or dry) in a certain proportion, determining the nature of a body, plant, etc.; the combination of the four ‘humours’ of the body in a certain proportion, or the bodily habit attributed to such combination; ‘temperament’.
and  bol-
de  and  hardynes  and  immedi-
  it  folwiþ  Iubiter  and  pre-
  venus  and  þerfore  of  þe 
mediacy  and  neighnes  of 
þe  two  good  planetis ؛þe 
[page id: f128r] ferse  malice  of  mars  is 
lessid /Mars  þe  planete ؛
disposiþ  grete  lengþe  and 
smalnes  in  ȝonge  age  by 
cause  of  þe  grete  hete ·but 
in  age  it  disposiþ  to  greet 
stoupinge  doune  by  cause 
of  his  grete  drynesse ·
and  when  he  is  in  his 


house | hous, house, nounDefinition: (OED) Astrol. Each of twelve parts of the ecliptic or the zodiac having some particular significance in human affairs, typically formed by great circles through diametrically opposed points and numbered eastwards from the ascendant (ascendant n. 1). Also: a sign of the zodiac considered as a seat of greater influence of a particular planet; a ruler (ruler n.1 2b). Cf. mansion n. 4.
is  aries  and  scorpio ؛ þen 
schal be  stryues  and  discordes 
batails  and  war .but 


aspect | aspecteDefinition: (MED) Astrol. The relative position, described in angular distance, of one planet or sign to another at a certain time; such a position, or a series of such positions, held to be good or evil in influencing the affairs of man; (good or evil) influence; sextile, quartile, trine ~, the angular distances of 60, 90, and 120 degrees, resp.
of  sum  good  pla-
nete  may  abate  sum  of 
his  malice ·and  he  dwelliþ 
in  euery  signe  fourti  eighte  daies 
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[page id: f128v] and  eleuen  houres . and   his 


course | course, cours, nounDefinition: (MED) Astron. The movement of a heavenly body or sphere; the orbit (of a heavenly body), path (of a star), revolution (of a sphere); fulfillen, passen, rennen ~, maken even ~, to complete a circuit or revolution.
is  two 
.ȝere /. The  children  of  mars 
be  of  broune  colour  and  þey  ben 
grete  debatours  and  contagious 
peple /
ThSonne  is  þe 
fourþe  planete ·it  is  cal-
lid  þe  welle  of  lyȝte ·it  is 
hote  and  drye  masculine  dai-
ly  and  haþ  his  h sete  in  mydd-
  of  þe  sterry 


heven | heuen, nounDefinition: (MED) (a) The upper part of the sky; the region in which the sun, moon, stars, and planets appear; hevenes eie, the sun; hevenes whel, the firmament; fig. Christ; (b) astrol. the heavenly bodies as affecting or revealing events or personal destiny; the position of the planets, etc., at a particular time.
as  em-
  souereigne  of  þe  seuen  pla-
 .he  castiþ  oute  of  him 
silf  twelue  shynynge  bemes  and 
alwey  is  meued  vnder  þe 
zodiake  in  directe  meuyng 
and  holdynge  his  course 
[page id: f129r] in  myd  wey  of  þe  zodiake .
for  þe 


cercle, sercle, nounDefinition: (MED) The apparent circular path, orbit, or course of a heavenly body or constellation; the ecliptic of the sun, the circle deferent or epicycle of a planet, the path of stars about a celestial pole, etc.
of  þe  sonne 
ouer  passyþ  by  riȝt  lymt 
þe  myddes  of  þe  zodiake  þe 
whiche  is  deuidid  in  twelue  e-
uen  spaces  as  it  is  reher-
sid  afore  And  when  þe  sonne 
passiþ  from  þe  firste  poynt 
of  his 


cercle, sercle, nounDefinition: (MED) The apparent circular path, orbit, or course of a heavenly body or constellation; the ecliptic of the sun, the circle deferent or epicycle of a planet, the path of stars about a celestial pole, etc.
and  is  retornyd 
vnto  þe  same  poynt  þer 
as  he  beganne ؛þis  passage 
is  callid  þe  yer  of  þe  son-
ne  It  disposiþ  a  creature 
to be  corsy  fayre  facid  and  in 
colour  white  and  rede  large 
yen  and  wel  disposid  to  ałł 
View pages f129v-f130r
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[page id: f129v] science  and  craftes  This  pla-
nete  goiþ  his 


course | course, cours, nounDefinition: (MED) Astron. The movement of a heavenly body or sphere; the orbit (of a heavenly body), path (of a star), revolution (of a sphere); fulfillen, passen, rennen ~, maken even ~, to complete a circuit or revolution.
in  þe  he-
  in  Thre  hundred  sixti  fyue  daies  and  six  houres  oon  ȝere  and  he  dwelliþ 
in  euery  sygne  thriti  daies  ten 
horis  and  thriti  mynutes . And  a-
monge  ałł  þe  planetis ·þe 
sonne  disposiþ  al  maner  bestes 
to  hardynes  and  to  lyfe  This 
planete  is  larger  þen  is  eighte 
tymes  al  þe  erþe  and  it  me-
uytħ  contynuelly  more  swifte 
þen  an  arwe  of  a  bowe ·and 
it  is  moste  nyghe  to  vs  at 
þe  poynt  of  mydday  and  fer-
þest  at  þe  rysynge  and  setting 
as  to  speke  of  þe  day · And 
þe  children  of  þis  planete 
[page id: f130r] ben  gretly  disposid  to  diui-
ne  seruice  and  han  when  hir  a by-
  with  astates  and  of  propir-
  þey  sholde  ben  riȝt  meke 
and  homely /
VEnus  is  þe 
fyfte  planete ·he  is  hote 
and  moyste  and  is  good  and  wel-
wellid  feminyn  nocturnal .and 
is  seide  þe  sterre  of  loue  and 
is  of  white  and  shynynge  co-
 · This  planete  euer 
foloweþ  þe  sonne ·and  sumtyme 
afore  goyþ  þe  sonne ·and  þen 
is  callid 


lucifer, nounDefinition: (OED) The morning star; the planet Venus when she appears in the sky before sunrise. Now only poet.
·and  sumty-
  foloweþ  þe  sonne  and  þen 
is  callid 


vesperus, nounDefinition: Hesperus, Greek Hesperos, also called Vesper, Latin: Lucifer, the bringer of light. Hesperus is the evening star in Greco-Roman mythology. He was initially considered to be the son of Eos, the Dawn, and the Titan Astraeus, but was he later said to be the son or brother of Atlas. He was later identified with the morning star, Phosphorus, or Eosphorus and later discovered by astronomers to be the planet Venus.
.and  amonge 
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[page id: f130v] al  sterris  þis  planete  shy-
neþ  moste  briȝt  and  glori-
ouse  and  it  disposiþ  a  creatu-
  to  grete  beaute  and  to  ly-
  and  luste  of  þe  fleiscħ .
He  regneþ  in  pisces  and  in 
virgyn  and  dwelliþ  in  euery  sig-
ne  twenti  daies .and  he  goyþ 


course | course, cours, nounDefinition: (MED) Astron. The movement of a heavenly body or sphere; the orbit (of a heavenly body), path (of a star), revolution (of a sphere); fulfillen, passen, rennen ~, maken even ~, to complete a circuit or revolution.
in  Thre  hundred  fourti  eighte  day-
es ·and  when  he  is  in  his 


house | hous, house, nounDefinition: (OED) Astrol. Each of twelve parts of the ecliptic or the zodiac having some particular significance in human affairs, typically formed by great circles through diametrically opposed points and numbered eastwards from the ascendant (ascendant n. 1). Also: a sign of the zodiac considered as a seat of greater influence of a particular planet; a ruler (ruler n.1 2b). Cf. mansion n. 4.

þat  is  in  libra  and  tauro  it  swa-
gyþ  enuy  and  confermyþ  a-
mours  loues .and  oppressiþ  þe  mali-
ce  of  er  planetis .In  þe  fyf-
the  moneþe  of  concepcioun  of 
a  childe  it  disposiþ  þe  erys 
[page id: f131r] þe  nose  þe  nose  thriłł  þe  y-
en  and  þe  browes ·
is  þe  sixte  planete ·is  hote 
and  moyste  nocturnal  and  sumty-
  masculine  and  sumtyme 
feminyn ·He  is  good  with  good 
and  yuel  for  he  bowiþ  him  silf 
vnto  þe  nature  of  him  to  whom 
he  is  ioyned  The  firste 


house | hous, house, nounDefinition: (OED) Astrol. Each of twelve parts of the ecliptic or the zodiac having some particular significance in human affairs, typically formed by great circles through diametrically opposed points and numbered eastwards from the ascendant (ascendant n. 1). Also: a sign of the zodiac considered as a seat of greater influence of a particular planet; a ruler (ruler n.1 2b). Cf. mansion n. 4.
of  him  is  virgo ·þe  secun-
  is  gemini ·Oþerwhile  he  shy-
neþ  afore  þe  sonne  risynge 
and  erwhile  after  þe  sonne  go-
  doune .Also  he  is  good 
of  eloquence  and  of  wisdam 
and  to be  curious  in  science  and 


calculen | calculynge, verbDefinition: (MED) astrol. to cast horoscopes, etc.; solve (a problem) by calculation, find (an answer, a solution), learn (sth.) by calculating; prob. also used of geomancy and other kinds of divination.
and  þerfore  it  is 
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[page id: f131v] callid  þe 


house | hous, house, nounDefinition: (OED) Astrol. Each of twelve parts of the ecliptic or the zodiac having some particular significance in human affairs, typically formed by great circles through diametrically opposed points and numbered eastwards from the ascendant (ascendant n. 1). Also: a sign of the zodiac considered as a seat of greater influence of a particular planet; a ruler (ruler n.1 2b). Cf. mansion n. 4.
of  marchuntes 
and  also  it|  is  seied  þe  god  of 


palestre | palestre, nounDefinition: (MED) An arena for martial games, tourneying field; a battlefield; fig. a place for intellectual combat.
for  it  fyȝghtiþ 
euermore  with  þe  sonne ·for  it 
is  neuermore  distaunt  from 
þe  sonne  but  thriti 


gre | greesDefinition: (MED) astron. a degree of arc, 1/360 of a circle; (c) a division on a sundial; (d) a measure of length, ?a yard.
and  it  abideþ  in  euery  signe 
twenti  eighte  daies  and  six  houris .
and  it  endeþ  his  ful 


course | course, cours, nounDefinition: (MED) Astron. The movement of a heavenly body or sphere; the orbit (of a heavenly body), path (of a star), revolution (of a sphere); fulfillen, passen, rennen ~, maken even ~, to complete a circuit or revolution.



heven | heuen, nounDefinition: (MED) (a) The upper part of the sky; the region in which the sun, moon, stars, and planets appear; hevenes eie, the sun; hevenes whel, the firmament; fig. Christ; (b) astrol. the heavenly bodies as affecting or revealing events or personal destiny; the position of the planets, etc., at a particular time.
in  Thre  hundred  twenti  eighte  dayes 
and  disposeþ  a  creature  to  ha-
ue  an  hye  forehed  and  longe 
nose  feyr  face  and  longe 
and  subtile  lippes /
ne  is  þe  seuenthe  planete ·and  it 
is  like  þe  body  of  þe  sonne 
[page id: f132r] in  gretnesse  and  feirnesse 
vnto  our siȝte · And  he  wan-
teþ  propir  lyȝte  of  him  silf .
but  he  resceyueþ  his  liȝt 
of  þe  sonne ·and  þe  more  nyg-
he  þat  it  goyþ  vnto  þe  son-
  þe  more  it  lesyþ  of 
his  lyȝt  as  toward  þe  er-
þe  and  þe  more  it  haþ  his 
liȝte  vpwarde ·ffor  when 
þe  mone  is  ioyned  with 
þe  sonne  at  þe  coniunccioun 
þe  mone  ȝeueþ  no  liȝte 
vnto  þe  erthe ·but  þen  al 
vpwarde  to 


heven | heuen, nounDefinition: (MED) (a) The upper part of the sky; the region in which the sun, moon, stars, and planets appear; hevenes eie, the sun; hevenes whel, the firmament; fig. Christ; (b) astrol. the heavenly bodies as affecting or revealing events or personal destiny; the position of the planets, etc., at a particular time.
·it  shy-View pages f132v-f133r
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[page id: f132v]neth  ful  liȝte | but  when 
þe  mone  is  in  þe  oppisici-
  with  þe  sonne  þen  it  ȝeuyþ 
ful  liȝt  vnto  þe  erþe  and 
no  þinge  towarde 


heven | heuen, nounDefinition: (MED) (a) The upper part of the sky; the region in which the sun, moon, stars, and planets appear; hevenes eie, the sun; hevenes whel, the firmament; fig. Christ; (b) astrol. the heavenly bodies as affecting or revealing events or personal destiny; the position of the planets, etc., at a particular time.
The  mone  ȝeuyþ  aug-
  in  ałł 


humour | humoursDefinition: (MED) Anat. (a) One of four fluids (blood, phlegm, choler, melancholy) which form and nourish the body; ?also, a part or an organ composed of humor(s; kindeli ~, natural ~, ~ natural, one of the four normal humors; god ~, a healthy or beneficial humor; (b) one of four harmful fluids formed in the body; innatural ~, unkinde ~, unnatural ~, an unnatural or harmful humor; (c) a fluid or humor which produces ulcers, disease, etc.; also fig.; ille (ivel, qued, wikked) ~; gleimi (viscous) ~, a sticky humor; roten ~, a decaying or corrupt humor; etc. [It is seldom possible to be certain whether the disease-producing humor is an unnatural humor or a corrupted form of one of the natural humors.]; (d) any pathological fluid of the body; matter, pus, a secretion, liquid resulting from decay, etc.

wherefore  in  his  decresynge 
þe  marowe  in  bones  þe 
brayn  in  hedes  and  al  er  hu-
  in  þe  body  doon  decre-
 ·and  when  þe  mone  encre-
  þen  þe  seide 


humour | humoursDefinition: (MED) Anat. (a) One of four fluids (blood, phlegm, choler, melancholy) which form and nourish the body; ?also, a part or an organ composed of humor(s; kindeli ~, natural ~, ~ natural, one of the four normal humors; god ~, a healthy or beneficial humor; (b) one of four harmful fluids formed in the body; innatural ~, unkinde ~, unnatural ~, an unnatural or harmful humor; (c) a fluid or humor which produces ulcers, disease, etc.; also fig.; ille (ivel, qued, wikked) ~; gleimi (viscous) ~, a sticky humor; roten ~, a decaying or corrupt humor; etc. [It is seldom possible to be certain whether the disease-producing humor is an unnatural humor or a corrupted form of one of the natural humors.]; (d) any pathological fluid of the body; matter, pus, a secretion, liquid resulting from decay, etc.

multiplien .Also  þe  mone 
is  of  þe  see  and  waters  at-[page id: f133r]tractyue  and  lorde  of  hem  Also 
noteþ  þat  þe  mone  and  þe  pla-
nete  mercury  be  more  lesse 
þen  þe  erþe ·and  al  er  plane-
  and  also  sterrys  as  it  is  sei-
de ؛ben  more  þen  þe  erþe ·
The  sonne  is  eighte  tymes 
more  þen  al  erþe ·and  þe  mo-
ne  is  six  tymes  lesse  þen 
þe  erþe ·The  mone  dwel-
lyþ  in  euery  sygne  two ·daies 
and  six  houris  and  an  half .and  in 
þe  space  of  twenti  seuen  dayes 
and  eighte  houris  it  ouer  passeþ 
al  þe  twelue  signes .And  it  is 
colde  and  moyste  feminyn  and  noctur-View pages f133v-f134r
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[page id: f133v]nal
 . Also  when  þe  mone 
is  in  þe  riȝt  dyameter  sette 
bytwixte  vs  and  þe  sonne 
þen  it  shal be  þe  eclipse 
of  þe  sonne ·and  þis  may  not 
be  but  in  þe  coniunccioun  of 
þe  sonne  and  of  þe  mone .and 
also  whan  þe  sonne  is  in 
þe  lyne  eclyptike ·and  þat 
is  when  þe  sonne  is  in  þe 
hede  of  þe  dragoun  and 
þe  mone  in  þe  tayle :~
or  ellis  þe  contrary .If  þe 
mone  at  þe  begynnynge 
of  þe  newe  mone  shene 
rede  it  sygnifieþ  þen 
[page id: f134r] to be  wyndy ·/If  it  shene 
derkely  in  þe  vpper  corner ؛
it  signifieþ  reyny ·If  it 
shene  sharply  it  signifi-
eþ  grete  tempeste  in  shorte 
tyme  commynge / The  go-
de  planetis  ben  callid  Iubi-
  and  venus · The  yuel  pla-
  ben  callid  saturnus  and  mars .


mean | mene, adj.Definition: (MED) In a middle state between two extremes; Astron. ~ argument, the angle at the center of a planet's epicycle between the mean position of the planet on its epicycle and a line running through the center from the equant; ~ aux, of a planet: a line running from the equant through the center of the epicycle; ~ motus (mote), the uniformly varying angle at the earth, measured from the first point in Aries, giving the mean position of the sun or a planet in the ecliptic; also, the moving point projected by the sun or planet, as seen from earth, on the zodiac.
planetis  ben 
sol  and  luna  and  mercurius  Al-
so  noteþ  þat  whan  eny  of  þe 
planetis  entryþ  eny 


cercle, sercle, nounDefinition: (MED) The apparent circular path, orbit, or course of a heavenly body or constellation; the ecliptic of the sun, the circle deferent or epicycle of a planet, the path of stars about a celestial pole, etc.

of  er  it  takeþ  þen  of  þe  qua-
  and  vertu  of  þat  er  and  so  þe 
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[page id: f134v] þe  goodnesse  of  a  good  pla-
nete  is  lessid  by  þe  presen-
  of  an  yuel  planete  and 
so  þe  contrary /
Also  no-
tetħ  þe  seynge  of 


Maimonides, Rabbi Mosheh Ben Maimon (1135-1204) | moyses



Sidrac or Sidrak | sidrack, sidracke, noun, proper nameDefinition: A Christian wiseman in a popular medieval book of knowledge, which was translated from French to English (ed. Burton 1998). Although the character is fictional, Sidrak enjoyed considerable reputation as an astrologer and is referred to in serious scientific treatises.


rabyDefinition: Possibly Aaron ben Gershon Abu Al-Rabi (fl. 1400-1450) or Muhiyuddin Muhammad ibn Arabi (1165-1240).
and  er . þat  þe 
space  from  þe  erþe  to  þe 


cercle, sercle, nounDefinition: (MED) The apparent circular path, orbit, or course of a heavenly body or constellation; the ecliptic of the sun, the circle deferent or epicycle of a planet, the path of stars about a celestial pole, etc.
of  þe  mone  is  as 
moche  as  a  man  in  ple-
yn  wey  myȝt  gone  in 
Fiue  hundred . ȝere . to  gone  eche  day 
fourti  myle ·and  eche  myle 
conteynynge  a  thousand 


pace | pase, nounDefinition: (OED) The distance covered in a step (or sometimes two), used either as a definite unit of measurement or more vaguely to indicate approximate distance.
·and  euery  pase  Fiue ·fete 
And  euery 


cercle, sercle, nounDefinition: (MED) The apparent circular path, orbit, or course of a heavenly body or constellation; the ecliptic of the sun, the circle deferent or epicycle of a planet, the path of stars about a celestial pole, etc.
of  eche 
[page id: f135r] planete  conteyneþ  in  him 
silf  þe  space  of  Fiue  hundred  ȝere 
and  in  þyckenes  and  in  brede ·
And  from  þe  space  of 
þe  erthe  vnto  saturne 
is  þe  space  of  Seuen  thousand  ȝe-
re  and  thre .Also  vppon  þe 
hiest  party  of  sterry  he-
uen  aboue  þe  seuen  plane-
tis  ben  many  smale  ster-
  stondinge  fyxe  whom 
no  man  kan  noumbre 
They  ben  fyxe  but  ȝit-
te  þey  ben  ledde  aboute 
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[page id: f135v] wyþ  þe 


heven | heuen, nounDefinition: (MED) (a) The upper part of the sky; the region in which the sun, moon, stars, and planets appear; hevenes eie, the sun; hevenes whel, the firmament; fig. Christ; (b) astrol. the heavenly bodies as affecting or revealing events or personal destiny; the position of the planets, etc., at a particular time.
þat  meuyþ 
as  nayles  ben  in  a  carte 
while ·and  þey  seme  sma-
le  to  oure  siȝte  but  ne-
uer þe lees
  þe  leste  of  hem 
saue  þe  mone  and  mer-
cury ؛is  more  þen  al  er-
the .And  also  þe 


heven | heuen, nounDefinition: (MED) (a) The upper part of the sky; the region in which the sun, moon, stars, and planets appear; hevenes eie, the sun; hevenes whel, the firmament; fig. Christ; (b) astrol. the heavenly bodies as affecting or revealing events or personal destiny; the position of the planets, etc., at a particular time.
saue  þe  hiest  þat  is 


coelum empireum | celum empireumDefinition: (OED) The highest heaven. In ancient cosmology the sphere of the pure element of fire: in Christian use, the abode of God and the angels.
here  may 
be  seen .This  hiest  he-
uen  as 


Sidrac or Sidrak | sidrack, sidracke, noun, proper nameDefinition: A Christian wiseman in a popular medieval book of knowledge, which was translated from French to English (ed. Burton 1998). Although the character is fictional, Sidrak enjoyed considerable reputation as an astrologer and is referred to in serious scientific treatises.
and  ere 
meny  seyen ؛ it  is  so  hy-
ȝe  þat  if  a  stone  of  an 
[page id: f136r] hundred  men  is  lyfte 
were  there  and  letten 
falle  doune  ؛ it  sholde 
be  in  fallynge  a  thousand   ȝere 
or  it  come  to  þe  erþe 


course | course, cours, nounDefinition: (MED) Astron. The movement of a heavenly body or sphere; the orbit (of a heavenly body), path (of a star), revolution (of a sphere); fulfillen, passen, rennen ~, maken even ~, to complete a circuit or revolution.
of  science 


arithmetic | arsmetike, nounDefinition: (OED) The science of numbers; the art of computation by figures, (MED) being one of the four disciplines comprised in the quadrivium (along with geometry, astronomy, and music), the higher part of the undergraduate degree in medieval universities.
and  geome-
try  ./wherefore  amonge 
ałł  þe  merueilles  of  god 
þis  is  a  grete  merueille 
and  wonder  þat  an  Aungele 
er  a  clene  soule  may 
passe  so  longe  a  space 
in  þe  while  and  space  of  a 
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[page id: f136v] momente ·And  as  cler-
kes  seyn  aboue  þis  he-
uen  is  no  þinge /It  is  cal-
lid  fyry  be cause  it  se-
myþ  al  fyre  of | grete 
myȝt /but  ȝitte  it  bren-
  not  but  it  shenyþ 
more  cleere  and  bryȝte  as 
brennynge  fyre ·ne  it  me-
ueth  not  but  stondiþ 
fixe  and  stille /and  it | is  sei-
de  goddis  owen  sete  and 
see ·to  þe  which  see  bringe  vs 
he ؛ þat  for  vs  died  vppon  þe 
rode  tre  Amen / Explicit /