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Scholarly Editing: The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal for the advancement and promotion of editorial theory, practice, and pedagogy. Revived in 2020, the journal was edited by Amanda Gailey and Andrew Jewell from 2012 to 2017. From 1979 to 2012, the Association for Documentary Editing published the journal's predecessor, Documentary Editing, a print publication that evolved from a newsletter format to a quarterly and then annual journal.

The editorial board of Scholarly Editing invite essays, reviews of print and digital editions, and small-scale editions of understudied authors and texts that reflect our diverse and multifaceted cultural heritages.

The journal intends to represent contributions from all countries and cultures, across disciplines and from outside the academy, including but not restricted to educators, community groups, local genealogists, families seeking ancestors, researchers, scholars, historians, archivists, curators, editors, information professionals, students, and digital humanists. We particularly welcome contributions from and about Black, Latinx, and Indigenous peoples; Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; women; LGBTQ+ individuals; and the people and cultures of the Global South.


In addition to projects that illustrate the traditional range of editorial methodologies and practices, we welcome those that feature rare or marginal texts, texts that dislodge the single-author model, oral histories and tales, community recovery, and creative works of “rememory.” Such contributions may also explore the digital tools and contexts that enhance this work.

Uncovering and Sustaining the Cultural Record

Editing primary sources for publication has extensive origins in multiple disciplines, as is evident from the membership of the Association for Documentary Editing, a multidisciplinary organization that includes scholars from history, philosophy, literature, and musicology in the United States and abroad. We invite scholars, digital humanists, librarians, students, archivists, educators, and community members from outside these groups to contribute brief essays (1,250-4,000 words) about their experiences of uncovering and sustaining the cultural record as a set of practices, as a field, or as an act of recovery of silenced voices. In issuing this invitation, we look forward to publishing a set of short essays that will demonstrate diversities of practice, perspective, and emphasis. Our goal is to explore capaciously the contexts of knowledge production as theorized by Roopika Risam in New Digital Worlds: Postcolonial Digital Humanities in Theory, Praxis, and Pedagogy (2019). Central questions include “how projects are designed, how material in them is framed, how data in them is managed, and what forms of labor are being used to create them.”

Review Essays

Scholarly Editing reviews letterpress and digital editions, digital projects, and the digital tools that enhance recovery of, and expand access to, primary source materials. In accordance with our Statement of Purpose, we review materials that amplify the work of diverse voices and celebrate the contributions of underrepresented and silenced communities. While we do not accept unsolicited reviews, we welcome proposals from readers who would like to serve as reviewers as well as recommendations of work that may be appropriate for review.

College and University Classroom Essays

We invite all explorations of the intersections between recovery and pedagogy at the university level. Potential areas of inquiry may include theoretical approaches to teaching scholarly editing and other forms of digital recovery, the use of primary source materials in the classroom and in public outreach programs, teaching with print editions and/or born-digital projects, and training student members of editorial projects. Collaborative essays are welcome, including those that advance their argument through case studies and with materials such as assignments, course syllabi, and excerpts from students' work (with appropriate permission).


Scholarly Editing is a home to sustainable small-scale editions of interesting and understudied texts. Such editions may range from a single document to 130 short documents or to two variants of a single text. We encourage those who wish to propose a micro-edition to consult the micro-editions editor Raffaele Viglianti in advance of forwarding their proposals.

Voices and Perspectives: Interviews and Conversations

We publish transcripts of conversations and interviews with recovery practitioners. We invite those who wish to propose conversations and interviews to consult the editor in chief in advance of forwarding their proposals.

Editorial Board

Noelle A. Baker, Editor in Chief and Acting Editor, Uncovering and Sustaining the Cultural Record

Julian C. Chambliss, Voices and Perspectives Editor

Eagan Dean, Essays Co-Editor

Lona Dearmont, Copy Editor

Silvia Glick, Consulting Editor and Reviews Editor

Ateeb Gul, Essays Co-Editor

Jenifer Ishee, Assistant Managing Editor

Serenity Sutherland, College and University Classrooms Editor

Cheyenne Symonette, Voices and Perspectives Associate Editor

Robert Riter, Managing Editor

Raffaele Viglianti, Technical Editor and Micro-Editions Editor

Advisory Board

Heather Bamford, George Washington University

Dale S. Brenneman, University of Arizona; Office of Ethnohistorical Research, Arizona State Museum

Erica Cavanaugh, University of Virginia

Mark Cheathem, Cumberland University; Papers of Martin Van Buren

Thomas Coens, University of Tennessee; Papers of Andrew Jackson

James Cummings, Newcastle University

Jessica DeSpain, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Co-Director of SIUE’s IRIS Center

Amy E. Earhart, Texas A&M University

Tom Elliott, New York University; Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

Amanda Gailey, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Co-editor, Scholarly Editing (2012-2017)

Robb Haberman, Columbia University; John Jay Papers

Katherine D. Harris, San José State University; Co-editor, Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities

Andrew Jewell, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Willa Cather Archive; Co-editor, Scholarly Editing (2012-2017)

Patricia Larson Kalayjian, California State University, Dominguez Hills; Letters of American Author Catharine Maria Sedgwick (1789-1867): An Online Edition

Verna Kale, The Pennsylvania State University; The Hemingway Letters Project

Bob Karachuk, University of Mary Washington; Papers of James Monroe

Sara Martin, Massachusetts Historical Society; The Adams Papers

Kenneth M. Price, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; The Walt Whitman Archive; The Charles Chesnutt Digital Archive

Wesley Raabe, Kent State University; Textual Editor, The Collected Works of Harriet Beecher Stowe

David Ramsey, University of West Florida; Papers of Roger Brooke Taney

Gimena del Rio Riande, CONICET

Roopika Risam, Dartmouth College

Jennifer Stertzer, University of Virginia; Director, Center for Digital Editing; Director, Washington Papers

Nikolaus Wasmoen, University of Buffalo

Adrian S. Wisnicki, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Director, Livingstone Online

Greg W. Zacharias, Creighton University; Center for Henry James Studies

Last updated: 11 September 2024
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© 2024 Scholarly Editing.
ISSN 2167-1257 | DOI 10.55520/6ZH06EW2 | Site version 1.4.6
Logo of the Association for Documentary Editing. Veritas ex documentis.